sábado, 30 de julio de 2022

Krokus - Tie Your Mother Down

 Krokus es una banda suiza de hard rock y heavy metal formada en 1974. El grupo es uno de los escasos nombres del rock helvético conocidos internacionalmente, y disfrutó de un éxito moderado en Norteamérica, y considerable en Europa durante el auge del heavy metal en los años 80s

Krokus fue fundada en 1974 en el Cantón de Soleura, por el bajista y vocalista Chris von Rohr, y el guitarrista Tommy Kiefer, en principio, como un proyecto de rock progresivo con tintes de rock duro. Chris von Rohr se cambió a la voz principal, y con esta formación es que Krokus comenzó a cosechar el éxito en Suiza, recorriendo todo el país. Después de ver a AC/DC en concierto a finales de los 70, decidieron cambiar su dirección musical y adoptan un nuevo sonido fuertemente influenciado por esta banda. Como von Rohr tenía limitadas capacidades vocales y no fue capaz de alcanzar la tercera octava, la banda decidió contratar a un nuevo vocalista. Finalmente, Marc Storace, proveniente de las bandas TEA y Eazy Money, fue contratado. Con la nueva formación la banda grabó y lanzó su cuarto álbum, titulado Metal Rendez-vous, en 1980, trayendo un reconocimiento internacional más amplio.

EL siguiente álbum, Hardware, de 1981, fue grabado en los estudios Roundhouse de Londres y contó con canciones tales como "Easy Rocker" y "Rock City", que son aún hoy parte del repertorio en vivo de la banda.

En 1982 Krokus graba One Vice at a Time, trabajo del cual se desprenden los éxitos "Long Stick Goes Boom", y la versión de The Guess Who, "American Woman". Chris von Rohr describió el disco en su momento como "el álbum que AC/DC nunca hizo", ya que la influencia de la banda australiana era difícil de ignorar. Las comparaciones realmente ponen en duda la creatividad de la banda, como muchos oyentes empezaron a considerar a Krokus simplemente imitadores de AC/DC, sin embargo, Krokus se hizo cada vez más popular en Europa, y comenzó a recibir atención en los Estados Unidos.

En 1983, publicaron Headhunter, disco que fue galardonado como álbum de platino en los Estados Unidos y alcanzó el número 25 en las listas de álbumes de 1983. Este fue el trabajo más exitoso de Krokus hasta la fecha, tanto en lo comercial como en cuanto a críticas. El LP contó con la balada hit "Screaming in the Night", que obtuvo gran rotación en la cadena MTV, y se convirtió en una de las canciones más conocidas de la banda. Rob Halford de Judas Priest contribuiría en los coros de la canción "Ready to Burn".

El año 1984 vio el cambio de la banda hacia una dirección más comercial con The Blitz, LP que contó con una versión de la canción de The Sweet "Ballroom Blitz" aunque, a pesar del éxito comercial, el disco fue muy criticado. En el año 1985 se presentaron en el Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar en Chile y, aprovechando la ola de éxito del heavy metal a mediados de la década de 1980, la banda lanzó Change of Address, en 1986, que contó con una versión del tema de Alice Cooper "School's Out", pero el álbum fue un fracaso comercial y las críticas no fueron buenas. Como colofón el grupo lanzó un álbum en vivo titulado Alive and Screamin, en 1986, al tiempo que pasaban de Arista Records a MCA Records.

Gozaron de popularidad en los ochenta en Europa y los Estados Unidos, y estuvieron de gira junto a nombres como Nazareth en Europa, y AC/DC, MotörheadRainbowRushDef Leppard y Judas Priest en Estados Unidos, donde el álbum Headhunter fue certificado oro. Todos los discos de Krokus han sido platino en su país natal.

En el 2005, el guitarrista Fernando von Arb dejó la agrupación después de algunos quebrantos de salud. Mandy Meyer, quien había estado con la banda a mediados de los ochenta, reemplazó a von Arb en la alineación.

El 18 de noviembre de 2007, la formación clásica incluyendo a Chris von Rohr, Fernando von Arb, Steady Freddy y Marc Storace se reunieron para tocar un medley ("Tokyo Nights", "Bedside Radio" y "Heatstrokes") durante un programa de la televisión suiza, esto desembocó en un concierto de reunión, el 2 de agosto de 2008, en el Stade de Suisse en Berna. El mismo año (2008) se anunció que la formación clásica de Chris von Rohr, Fernando von Arb, Steady Freddy, Mark Kohler y Marc Storace lanzaría un nuevo disco de estudio en 2010, con una gira mundial de apoyo.

La versión que Krokus realizó de "Ballroom Blitz", también apareció en el juego de 2007 Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s. Por otra parte, Krokus realizó el himno oficial del Campeonato Mundial de Hockey sobre Hielo 2009, organizado por Suiza; la canción se titulaba "Live for the Action".

En 2010 y 2013 respectivamente lanzaron sus álbumes Hoodoo y Dirty Dynamite

viernes, 29 de julio de 2022

Michael Bolton - My Girl

 Michael Bolotin (New Haven, Connecticut; 26 de febrero de 1953), conocido artísticamente como Michael Bolton, es un cantautor estadounidense que logró gran éxito a mediados de la década de 1980 y a inicios de la década de 1990. Se destaca por ser uno de los exponentes más populares del soft-rock y la balada romántica estadounidense de esa época.

Sus logros incluyen la venta de 70 millones de álbumes, ocho álbumes en Top Ten, dos sencillos en número uno de las listas de Billboard y premios como el Grammy.

En 1975 lanzó su primer álbum bajo el nombre artístico de 'Michael Bolotin. Un año más tarde, “Everyday of My Life” sale a la luz.

A principios de 1983 acorta su nombre por motivos comerciales a “Michael Bolton” y lanza un álbum homónimo después de obtener su primer éxito como compositor, co-escribiendo el tema "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" para la cantante Laura Branigan. Este tema casi llegó a ubicarse en el Top 10 de las radios estadounidenses, y logró mantenerse en los charts durante 3 semanas. Gracias al éxito obtenido deciden volver a trabajar juntos, esta vez con el tema "I Found Someone" en 1985. Esta canción no pudo alcanzar la popularidad del anterior, pero dos años más tarde, la cantante Cher la llevó a convertirse en un hit. A partir de ese momento, Michael trabaja para las dos cantantes paralelamente. Pero su popularidad se dio cuando comenzó a co-escribir con cantautores de la talla de BabyfaceDiane Warren, y Bob Dylan. También escribió canciones para Kenny GBarbra StreisandKissKenny RogersPeabo BrysonPaul Gillman y Patti LaBelle.

Junto al famoso saxofonista Kenny G, grabó varios éxitos, incluso presentándose en vivo para los premios Grammy, con el tema: "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You". Entre otros éxitos junto al saxofonista se destaca "send me".

Ha cantado con famosos artistas de todos los estilos como Plácido DomingoLuciano PavarottiRenée FlemingMateo BlancoClaudio BaglioniZuccheroPatti LaBelleCéline DionRay Charles, Lonely Island, Percy SledgeWynonna Judd, y BB King.

En 1985 “Everybody's Crazy” sale al mercado. Dos años después, el disco “The Hunger” es presentado, y prosigue con “Soul Provider” que en 1989 le supone por fin un gran éxito comercial en todo el mundo.

Inicia la década de los noventa con el lanzamiento de “Time, Love & Tenderness” (1991); posteriormente sale a la venta “Timeless: the Classics” ; y en 1993 realiza dos nuevos discos: “The One Thing (álbum)” y “The Artistry of Michael Bolotin”.

En 1995 aparece un disco recopilatorio de grandes éxitos: “Greatest Hits (1985-1995)". Un año más tarde se publica un disco navideño, “This Is The Time: The Christmas Album”.

En 1997 graba “All That Matters” y en 1998 “My Secret Passion”. Finaliza la década con el lanzamiento del disco “Timeless: The Classics, Vol. 2” (1999).

En la década del 2000 publica “Only A Woman Like You” (2002), “Vintage " (2003), “'Til The End Of Forever” (2005), “Bolton Swings Sinatra” (2006) y "One World, One Love" (2009). Este último álbum cuenta con la colaboración de artistas como Ne-Yo y Lady GaGa.

El 2 de abril de 2014 tuvo programado su primer concierto en Costa Rica.​

En 2022 va a representar a Connecticut en el American Song Contest con la canción “Beautiful World’’

jueves, 28 de julio de 2022

Neoton Família - True Blue

 Neoton Família (also known in some countries as Newton Family) was one of the most successful Hungarian pop-bands, their career spanning several decades, with changes in line-up. Most active from 1977 to 1989, they released albums and singles and toured in 25 foreign countries, including Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Japan, India, South Korea, also producing many of the best-known hits in the country. From 1979 to 1989, the band sold over 6 million records in Hungary and about 1.5 million records in other countries and takes on this indicator second place behind the famous band Omega.

The band was founded in 1965 by László Pásztor and Lajos Galácz, studying economics in Budapest, in order to enter the school's annual Santa Claus music contest.  Out of the two bands entering, Neoton, named after their Czechoslovakian-made guitar, finished second. Three years passed until their first major success, winning the country-wide Who Knows What? talent show in 1968 with the song Nekem eddig Bach volt a mindenem. The same year marked the release of their first hit song Kell, hogy várj. In 1971 they released their first album, Bolond város, featuring Balázs Ferenc, future keyboardist of the band Taurus and Korál, Lajos Som, future bass guitarist of bands Taurus and Piramis, and Ferenc Debreceni, future drummer of the band Omega. While sales did not go well, it helped them to arrange a tour in Africa. After arriving home, multiple members quit, and the fate of Neoton became uncertain.

From 1973 to 77 they cooperated with girl band Kócbabák (Shaggy Dolls), a trio of three female singers, who first appeared at 1972's Who Knows What?. After a joint album Menedékház (1976, Shelter) they drew the attention of the head of the Hungarian Record Company Pepita, Péter Erdős, who dreamed of achieving international fame with a Hungarian group. The two groups were united, with a renewed style and under a new name, Neoton Família. In 1977 they released an album titled Csak a zene (Only the music) and toured in socialist countries.

1979 proved to be a turning point for Neoton Família, as they got the chance to accompany the Hungarian entrants at the Midem festival in Cannes, and could also play a few tracks of their own - gaining the interest of some foreign music industry officials. They released the album Napraforgó, which finally secured their fame, and later an English version Sunflower. It was released in thirteen countries and became a hit in Japan, Denmark and the Philippines. Their single "Santa Maria" was number one in Hungary, number eight in Spain and number nine in Japan and the second single "Lord of the mountain" was number eleven in Spain and number three in Argentine.

Neoton Família released the single "Don Quijote", which became their biggest hit: number one in Hungary and Japan, TOP5 in Spain, Brazil and Philippines and TOP40 in Denmark and Germany. Their new album Marathon was a bestseller in Hungary and was released in nine countries including Germany, Spain, Denmark, Brazil, Japan and the Philippines. The song "Marathon", which was written for the Moscow Olympiad '80 became their most recognizable composition. In spring 1980 the band also released the soundtrack to the Canadian movie Yesterday, including the song "Smile again", in which the lead-vocal was sung by Éva Csepregi.

In those years the band had big success in the USSR and other socialist countries. In 1981 the group released the album "A família". In Germany it was released by Jupiter Record under the name Dandelion. The album was bestseller in Hungary again and the single "Kétszázhúsz felett" ("Over 220", also released in English as Racing) became a hit in the usual countries. These years proved to be busy, including a Japanese tour of forty-two cities in autumn 1981. The next album Szerencsejáték (1982, Roulette) was also very successful. For the song "Monte Carlo" the group was called "Hungarian ABBA". That year the single "Atra" was released in France, Brazil and Japan, it was the soundtrack to the Canadian-French movie La Guerre du feu (1982).

By 1983 two of the three female singers left the group and Éva Csepregi became the lead singer. In 1983 she and Ádám Végvári, who joined in 1980, won the Grand Prix on Yamaha Music Festival in Tokyo with the song "Times Goes By". Their single "Sandokan" (1983) set a national record sales for singles. Also in 1983 the band made a big tour in Latin America.

For six years onward, the band released an album in each year, with more and more composers working in the team, a condition that not only provided great songs, but tensions, too. In 1986 the band got the Most Outstanding Performance Award on 8th International Seoul Song Festival organized by the Munhwa Broadcasting Corp. with the song "Love is magic". And in 1988 Éva Csepregi and Leslie Mándoki (ex-soloist of the German disco-band Dschinghis Khan) performed the song "Korea" at the opening of the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul.

In 1990 Péter Erdős died and this led to the dissolution of the band. The members of the group challenged the right to the name "Neoton" in court and continued their musical careers as Új Neoton (1990-1991), headed by László Pásztor, and Éva-Neoton (1990-1993), headed by Éva Csepregi.

Éva Csepregi married Bob Heatlie, a Scottish songwriter and producer, and they had a son in 1992. Previously, Bob Heatlie produced her solo albums between 1985 and 1992. They were released in Europe and South Korea. Songs from these solo albums became part of the group's live repertoire.

The keyboarder of Neoton Familia György Jakab was diagnosed with a terminal illness in 1995, passing away in 1996. His dream, a last concert was produced without him, but in his memory, in 1998 by all of the ex-members of the group. Answering the pressure of the fans, another concert was held seven years later, in 2005, following several more in the oncoming years under the name Neoton Família Sztárjai (Stars of Neoton Family).

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2022

Luke Evans - With Or Without You

 Luke George Evans (born 15 April 1979)  is a Welsh actor and singer. He began his career on the stage, performing in many of London's West End productions such as Rent, Miss Saigon, and Piaf before making his film breakthrough in the Clash of the Titans 2010 remake. Following his debut, Evans was cast in such action and thriller films as Immortals (2011), The Raven (2012), and the re-imagined The Three Musketeers (2011).

In 2013, Evans starred as the antagonist Owen Shaw in the blockbuster Fast & Furious 6, and also played Bard the Bowman in Peter Jackson's three-part adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Evans also portrayed the vampire Dracula in the character's 2014 film origin story, Dracula Untold.  In 2017, Evans starred as Gaston in Disney's live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, and portrayed American psychologist William Moulton Marston, creator of fictional character Wonder Woman, in the biographical drama Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. He released his debut album, At Last, on 22 November 2019. In 2020, he starred in a three-part miniseries The Pembrokeshire Murders. In 2021, he had a main role in the Hulu drama miniseries Nine Perfect Strangers.

From 2000 to 2008, Evans starred in many West End productions including La CavaTabooRentMiss Saigon and Avenue Q, as well as several fringe shows in London and at the Edinburgh Festival.

In 2008, he landed his most significant theatre role playing Vincent in the play Small Change written and directed by Peter Gill at the Donmar Warehouse. For his performance, he gained recognition from film casting directors and US agencies and was nominated for the Evening Standard Award for Outstanding Newcomer. Later that same year he did his second show at the Donmar Warehouse, Piaf, in which he played Yves Montand.

Evans got his first film audition at age 30. In 2009, he landed his first film, playing the Greek god Apollo in the 2010 remake Clash of the Titans. Also in 2010, he appeared as Clive in the film Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, directed by Matt Whitecross, as the Sheriff of Nottingham's thug in Robin Hood, alongside Matthew Macfadyen (whom he would later play alongside again in The Three Musketeers), and played handyman and good guy Andy, in director Stephen Frears' film Tamara Drewe, based on Posy Simmond's comic strip. Evans went on to portray DI Craig Stokes in Blitz (2011), the film adaptation of Ken Bruen's novel of the same name, in which he starred with Jason Statham and Paddy Considine. In early 2010, he shot the independent movie, Flutter, directed by Giles Borg.

Evans played the Musketeer Aramis in Paul W. S. Anderson's version of The Three Musketeers (filmed in 2010 and released in 2011). He was cast in a lead role in Tarsem Singh's Greek epic, Immortals (2011), in which he played the King of the Gods, Zeus. And at the end of 2010, he took a role opposite John Cusack in James McTeigue's film The Raven, replacing Jeremy Renner. In the film, released in 2012 and set in mid-19th century Baltimore, Evans played Detective Emmett Fields, who investigates a series of murders inspired by the poetry and short stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Shooting took place in Budapest and Serbia in November 2010. In 2011, he shot No One Lives, a psychological horror film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, in New Orleans, and began filming a role in Peter Jackson's three-part adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, playing the role of Bard the Bowman.

In 2013, Evans played the antagonist Owen Shaw in Fast & Furious 6, and in 2014, he played Dracula in the film Dracula Untold. Evans was cast as Eric Draven in the reboot of The Crow. In June 2014, he joined the cast of the film High-Rise with Tom Hiddleston and Jeremy Irons. In January 2015, Evans officially exited The Crow to pursue other projects. The same year, he was named one of GQ's 50 best dressed British men.

In 2016, Evans appeared in the thriller film The Girl on the Train, co-starring Emily Blunt. In 2017, he had the villainous role of Gaston in Disney's live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, directed by Bill Condon and co-starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens. Evans was also set to reprise his role as Gaston in a Beauty and the Beast prequel limited series for Disney+, alongside Josh Gad, who was serving as co-creator, co-writer and executive producer).

He also played the lead role, William Moulton Marston, the creator of Wonder Woman, in the film Professor Marston and the Wonder Women.

In 2018, Evans starred in TNT drama The Alienist, as newspaper illustrator John Moore. The following year, he announced the release of his debut studio albumAt Last, which was released on 22 November 2019.

On 8 November 2019, Evans starred in Roland Emmerich's epic war movie Midway, alongside Ed SkreinPatrick WilsonMandy MooreAaron EckhartNick JonasDennis Quaid, and Woody Harrelson.

In 2021, Evans played Lars Lee in the Hulu miniseries, Nine Perfect Strangers, based on the novel of the same name by Liane Moriarty, which features Nicole Kidman in the lead role, alongside Melissa McCarthyMichael ShannonSamara WeavingAsher Keddie, and Bobby Cannavale.

He is also set to play The Coachman in Robert Zemeckislive-action film adaptation of Disney's Pinocchio, with Tom Hanks.

Evans was awarded Man of the Year at the ninth annual Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards.